We have an amazing resource pool for our future talent needs in our military personnel who are stationed he and want to stay or return when they transition out; or who are here, and looking for work. I've heard that they have a challenging time matching their military training, skills, and experience to our jobs, and in the face of 1000 open jobs, we have veterans who cannot find a job. I'm not an expert on this issue, but I've worked on it enough to know that in entrepreneurship and supporting new business creation, they face a steep challenge of finding resources and accessing promised but always just out-of-reach assistance. I'd like to see the 2030 plan have a specific section focused on military-related workforce needs and opportunities related to supporting the military installation and activities in the state, and the personnel here and who might want to return... I'm betting if we just figure out how to keep the people we have (residents, HS/U graduates, and military personnel), that most of our workforce issues would be solved. I refer to it as the "Alaska Escalator" that sends folks to the L48 and then invests in attracting new folks to come up... we need to stop the escalator. Ky
Transitioning Military and Veterans
We have an amazing resource pool for our future talent needs in our military personnel who are stationed he and want to stay or return when they transition out; or who are here, and looking for work. I've heard that they have a challenging time matching their military training, skills, and experience to our jobs, and in the face of 1000 open jobs, we have veterans who cannot find a job. I'm not an expert on this issue, but I've worked on it enough to know that in entrepreneurship and supporting new business creation, they face a steep challenge of finding resources and accessing promised but always just out-of-reach assistance. I'd like to see the 2030 plan have a specific section focused on military-related workforce needs and opportunities related to supporting the military installation and activities in the state, and the personnel here and who might want to return... I'm betting if we just figure out how to keep the people we have (residents, HS/U graduates, and military personnel), that most of our workforce issues would be solved. I refer to it as the "Alaska Escalator" that sends folks to the L48 and then invests in attracting new folks to come up... we need to stop the escalator. Ky