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To select a survey, click it below. Read about it and then click the link to take it. After viewing or completing the survey, close the survey window to return.

Employer Survey

This survey is for employers, prime/sub contractors, nonprofits, and public entities including training and education providers. To take the survey, click HERE You can also use this link to leave a brief message with your insights or questions.

Student and Job Seekers Survey

This survey is for use ONLY by students, trainees, and job seekers. If you are not a student, trainee, or job seeker you may review it but do not submit it. The survey is also disseminated by various training and educational providers throughout the state. To review or complete the student and job seekers survey, click HERE You can also use this link to leave a brief message with your insights or questions about easy mobile access for qualified groups.

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Page Comments

Eric Williams (not verified) Apr 20, 2024

Hello interested in programs

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