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Resources on workforce and economic development in Alaska. 

National Governors Association Infrastructure Tools

The National Governors Association (NGA) has developed a suite of resources to provide information and tools for workforce development. The site has many helpful suggestions. Visit it by clicking HERE.

Alaska Safety Alliance (ASA)

The Alaska Safety Alliance (ASA) is a lead organization in the Workforce 2030 council. ASA is a community-minded 501(c)(3) nonprofit. ASA works collaboratively with industry and educators to create, connect, and enhance the quality of industry training and education programs in Alaska. The goal is to power the Alaska economy with a skilled and dynamic workforce. Learn more here: LINK

Department of Labor and Workforce Development

The Alaska Department of Labor provides up-to-date information for job seekers, workers, employers, training opportunities, and data research. The DOLWD sponsors Workforce 2030: The Alaska Plan. Learn more here: LINK

DOLWD Research and Analysis

Alaska DOLWD Research and Analysis provides up-to-date information on population and census, labor market information, unemployment system data, economic projections, worker residency data, and other economic data. Learn more here: LINK 

Denali Commission

The Denali Commission provides job training and other economic development services in rural communities with a specific focus on promoting rural development and providing power generation, transition facilities, modern communication systems, water and sewer systems, and other infrastructure needs in rural Alaska. The Denali Commission sponsors Workforce 2030: The Alaska Plan. Learn more here: LINK;

Alaska CAN!

Use this AlaskaCAN! resource list to learn about education and training resources available in Alaska and beyond. Learn more here: LINK;

Alaska Workforce Investment Board (AWIB)

The Alaska Workforce Investment Board (AWIB) is the Governor of Alaska's appointed, lead planning and coordinating entity for Alaska's public workforce and development system. THE VISION for AWIB is to "build connections that put Alaskans into good jobs." This comprehensive vision keeps the board focused on developing a workforce system that is useful, accessible, and understandable to all of the system's customers, which include businesses looking for qualified workers, unemployed Alaskans looking for jobs, and incumbent workers wanting to upgrade their skills in a changing work environment. Learn more here: LINK;

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